Friday, December 31, 2010

Felice Anno Nuovo a Tutti!

Normally, I'd post my resolutions for the coming new year,2011,poised to lay the boot in on 2010 and usher in a choice new opus for woprophiles everywhere,right here,but frankly,I don't plan on changing the formula all that much,kids.It'll be business as usual here at Wopsploitation,in its fourth sexy year and running, with loads of new and old genre flicks under the woproscope,desperate pleas for sexual release,dripping with carnal frustration,from your collective mothers,a guest writer or three,and the obligatory eye,candy for you bitches out there.Tonight's much appreciated and highly rad piece of Wop-art comes from reader Heather the Celt,who had to be distraught in placing red in the bottom third of this tricolor flag(the ONLY one!),instead of orange.I appreciate your sacrifice,honey.Anyway,see you guys in 2011,and exercise some restraint in ringing in the new tonight,don't get yourselves killed or arrested.I can't really warn you any further than that without making a left turn onto Hypocrite Ave,so I'll refrain,instead.Late.

Wicked as Always,

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